duminică, 3 decembrie 2017

Tips to choose your running shoes

The cinderella was a trail runner. Do not look so surprised! Any variant of the fairy tale you know, Disney, Charles Perrault, or the Brothers Grimm, believe in the word when we tell you that we have a better deal. In fact, she was wearing running shoes.

Coming back, Cinderella was very much on the heights. This headless and queueless run was obviously a chore. The stepmother was preparing her tracks, torturing her with tortuous paths, steep valleys, and rough terrain. Although they were doing the same routes, for their sisters they seemed mild, comfortable, without pain, and at the end of the day they had restful soles. For our heroine the trails were nightmare and began to seriously develop the mania of persecution. In the evening she retreated to her room, kicking her running shoes and wrapping her wefts.

One day the stepmother registered scores that did not complain about marathon training. The cinderella, envious, decides to seek help from his Protective Woman (real name - Card Avantaj), digs the net, finds perfect shoes, gives orders, and the next day comes the messy messengers with pumpkin all over and delivers the wonders .

On the day, aligned at the start, the sisters do not even admit the Cinderella who cheerfully flies in the new bumps with extra grip. 3-2-1- Start! Give him a trick, run, climb, jump over the roots as if the slippers are charming. All this to km 12 when suddenly hindered, he falls ugly, jumps his boot from his leg and watches him roll in a hole.

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